Agency Branded FREE
Defensive Driving Courses!
Sell More Insurance by Offering A Lower Price – Beat Rate Increases to Retain More Customers – Promote All of the Products You Offer — MAKE MORE MONEY! How? Simple! GIFT Your Customers and Prospects a FREE Online Defensive Driver Course at Your Own Agency Branded Course Site! Powerful – Cost Effective – Crazy Simple!
- SELL MORE AUTO INSURANCE BY OFFERING A LOWER PRICE! Gift your sales prospects a FREE online defensive driver course taken at your own Agency Branded Course Site! Reduce the price on every quote you do by 8-10% with the defensive driver discount and supercharge sales with your FREE GIFT! Set your agency apart and build client relationships that last by demonstrating what "VALUE" really means!
- SOLVE RATE INCREASE COMPLAINTS! Address price issues with your clients through GIFTING a FREE Online Defensive Driver Course that will provide a valuable discount on their automobile insurance aiding your customers by saving money while simultaneously demonstrating the "Above And Beyond" Value that your agency brings! This is how you INCREASE RETENTION and build customers for life!
- Improve customer engagement with your agency through your GIFT of Savings and Safety! Increased client engagement provides opportunities for cross-sales and referrals improving your agencies ability to maximize per client revenue. Customer referrals are Supercharged through your FREE GIFT!
- Boost client awareness and demand for all of the risk management products you provide including LIFE INSURANCE and FINANCIAL SERVICES! Introduce your customers to a different approach to insurance such that they understand and embrace the need for a "Trusted Advisor" to help manage all of life's risks!
What is this AVA thing really all about ?
Sometimes, a picture is worth a thousand words… and a video is even better! The short video below provides a FULL demonstration of the incredibly simple yet powerful Agency Value Accelerator system. PROVEN successful – this system works – GUARANTEED! Take a look!
Stupid Simple + Hugely Effective = R.O.I. “No-Brainer”
Lets keep this simple because simple is what works.
If the price on every automobile insurance quote you do was 8% to 10% lower would you sell more insurance? This is rhetorical… of course you would.
If every time a customer called complaining about their premium increasing you could offer a FREE solution to help save money, would you retain more customers?
If you knew that your clients were going to be a captive audience while taking a defensive driver course, would you want to leverage some of that time to promote your agency and all of the products and services you offer? If you had GIFTED the course to them, do you think they would be more receptive to this?
AVA provides client agencies their own agency branded defensive driver course site. Agency owners share the link to their course site with existing customers and new prospects who can visit the site to register for and complete the defensive driver course. Existing customers receive their certificate of completion immediately upon completing the course (agency owners also receive a copy). Prospective customers are provided with a free defensive driver course in exchange for agreeing to receive a quote. Their certificate of completion is received from the agency after they have completed the quote process.
While ZERO time is required for site setup, (sites are ready to use immediately) AVA provides subscribers with fully documented and easy to use administrator functionality enabling them to quickly create and edit content for their agency branded defensive driver course site. This includes an agency logo and company name in the site header along with a slogan and agency specific promotional content. Footer content can also be fully customized. In addition, AVA subscribers may create custom Promo-Boxes that display on their site during the defensive driver course. These promo-boxes may be used for specific product promotion, agency staff biographies including a photo or for general insurance tips. AVA subscriptions include a large selection of system default promo-boxes that may be activated including dozens to help promote many different life insurance products, financial services, P&C insurance products and targeted insurance tips. The Promo-Boxes are a powerful tool to promote agency service and products to a captive audience!
25+ to choose from within your account…
AVA Agency Value Promo Videos!
One of the most powerful features of AVA are the 5 short “Agency Value” promotional videos. These videos have been produced for the purpose of ingraining it into the mind of the defensive driver course student that they need the services of a professional risk managing insurance agency and that you are the best source for this. The course provided under license to AVA from Defensive Driver Academy, is broken down into 5 distinct sessions with a quiz at the end of each session and a final exam. In between each course session, the student watches a short video. Each of the 5 videos demonstrate the importance of relying upon a relationship with a trusted adviser: their insurance agent.
AVA Course Video: Session 1
Mike learns the hard way that when it comes to insurance, price is not the most important thing. This hard hitting video makes the point that insurance is not something to just get done as fast and cheap as possible and the consequences of getting this wrong can be devastating.
AVA Course Video:
Session 2
Ron makes a classic insurance mistake and learns some valuable lessons about the importance of insuring the “Big” dollars over the “Small” dollars.
AVA Course Video:
Session 3
Nobody likes to talk about life insurance but you cannot get this wrong! Make sure your family is protected! Consequences matter far more than probability.
AVA Course Video:
Session 4
Top 5 Insurance Mistakes!
AVA Course Video:
Session 5
Managing All of Life’s Risks.
about the Defensive Driver Course
The Defensive Driver Course licensed by AVA and presented to insurance customers and prospects of AVA subscribing insurance agencies has been developed by the National Driver Safety Institute and is offered by the NDSI to retail consumers as Defensive Driver Academy (DDA). This premier course has been designed with a special emphasis on the challenges of today’s higher risk driving environment while also covering all of the traditional defensive driver curriculum required by state regulatory authorities and insurance companies. Distracted driving, smart phone use while driving and the risks associated with greatly increased traffic congestion are covered at length. The Defensive Driver Academy course normally sells for $24.95.
While specific requirements vary from state to state, regulatory agencies typically mandate that a defensive driver course contain a specific set of related content and be of a minimum length in order to meet regulatory requirements. Insurance companies mandate that these regulatory minimums be met before a course may be approved for insurance discount purposes. The Defensive Driver Academy course meets all content requirements and exceeds the word count, course video run-time length, graphics / table contents and student testing capabilities mandatory to qualify as a “6-Hour Defensive Driver Education and Driver Improvement Course”.
Subscriber Home Page Example
The best way we know to demonstrate what an AVA subscribers agency course site looks like and how it all works is to simply show you. Click the image below to visit a full function DEMO SITE!
Please note – you may register for the defensive driver course at the demo site linked below BUT no course certificate will be issued at course completion. The site linked is for demonstration and evaluation purposes only.
AVA Subscription & Pricing Options!
Agency Value Accelerator is launching soon! As a special promotion to kick start growth at launch AND to reward early supporters we are offering VERY SPECIAL pricing for a LIMITED TIME ONLY! Please do not miss out on this crazy good pricing nor the HUGE discounts available with the “Pay in Full” option. This opportunity will END SOON!
Platinum Package
*Special Limited Time Pricing*
The AVA Platinum Subscription Package provides you with an UNLIMITED number of free defensive driver courses per month that you may GIFT to your customers and new prospects!
Annual Subscription
- 2 Payment Options -
Monthly = $99.95
Annual = $750.00
Pay In Full For The Year - Get A GREAT Discount And SAVE A WHOPPING $449.40!!!
This PLATINUM PACKAGE offer is for a very limited time only!
Maximize Your AVA Subscription!
The Power of the FREE GIFT!
There are few marketing concepts as powerful as the FREE GIFT! Whether it be an effort to placate and satisfy an existing customer frustrated by rate increases or enticing a lukewarm prospect into engaging in the new insurance quote process, a free gift of savings and safety can supercharge your sales and retention efforts. Agency value building to increase overall customer satisfaction is empowered through product and service promotional messaging presented during the course. AVA can help blast your agency to the next level!

Promoting Your Free Defensive Driver Course
- Blast Email Marketing: Setup email templates and blast out to all of your customers promoting your Defensive Driver Course Home page including links and details relative to the course to promote increased driver safety and savings! THAT is VALUE.
- Postcard Mailers: Bulk mail postcard mailers offering a FREE online defensive driver course to anyone agreeing to receive a complete insurance quote! Boost your marketing response rates with the power of the Free Gift!
- Direct Mail Letters: Does your marketing strategy include direct mail? Supercharge your response rates and ROI by including the FREE GIFT of safety and savings in your mailers! Through incorporating the offer of a free online defensive driver course in your direct mail media, your entire value proposition is boosted!
- Email Templates: When a customer calls to complain about a premium increase, be ready with email templates to immediately send offering a solution! Additional templates can promote your course to build value and drive referrals!
- Gift Vouchers: Empower your referral network with gift vouchers offering your free defensive driver course to prospective customers (in exchange for a quote! )and boost both referrals and conversion rates! Drive increased quote volume!
- Online Marketing: Facebook ads, Google advertising, Instagram, Twitter - promote your "Quote for Course" value offering to drive increased quote traffic! Nothing turbocharges online response rates like a FREE GIFT! Promote your course on social media to drive increased quote volume !
" OK - I Like It.... So, What Next? "
We understand that insurance agency owners are extremely busy and finding time to implement new systems and processes can be difficult. YOUR AVA ACCOUNT COMES OUT OF THE BOX READY TO GO WITH NO SETUP OR LENGTHY ACCOUNT CUSTOMIZATION REQUIRED (in fact…there isn’t even a box at all)! While full editing functionality is provided, you may being sharing the link to your agencies Defensive Driver Course website immediately. AVA is designed to make your life easier!
Select Your AVA Package! Review the AVA subscription options and decide which package best fits your needs. *** The Platinum Launch Offer Pricing WILL NOT LAST LONG! Unlimited monthly courses enables unrestricted marketing and promotion for your course so you can maximize value to existing customers AND use the free course to drive increased quote volume! Over 90% of our clients use the Platinum/Annual package.
Complete the purchase of your AVA package. You may select annual full pay (which saves you a lot!) or monthly pay and you can pay for your AVA subscription via credit card, debit card or paypal. AVA subscriptions are annual and automatically renew. Once payment has been processed, complete the AVA registration process.
Following instructions provided via email after registration, login to “My Account” at the AVA home page and simply click the button to copy the link to YOUR new Defensive Driver Course website. You can then share the link with your customers and prospects immediately. You may choose to modify your site as you desire. Input and edit home page content plus review and activate system default sidebars and create your own custom sidebars. Go nuts! You can modify your site all you want! You can return for further edits anytime you want!
Start promoting your site! Discuss it with clients who call in for service or with questions about rate increases and quickly send them instructions for immediately getting a free course. Direct new prospects to a free course adding value and savings to your quote! Ramp up marketing your defensive driver course home page via online marketing or any other marketing channel you desire!
Sign Up For AVA Today!
Platinum Package
*Special Limited Time Pricing*
The AVA Platinum Subscription Package provides you with an UNLIMITED number of free defensive driver courses per month that you may GIFT to your customers and new prospects!
Annual Subscription
- 2 Payment Options -
Monthly = $99.95
Annual = $750.00
Pay In Full For The Year - Get A GREAT Discount And SAVE A WHOPPING $449.40!!!
This PLATINUM PACKAGE offer is for a very limited time only!
Which AVA subscription package should I choose? This is easy: you should choose the Platinum/Annual package at $750 per year for unlimited courses.
How does billing work? What are the payment options? How are payments secured? AVA Subscriptions are annual and automatically renew on the annual anniversary date of your enrollment. You may choose to pay for your AVA subscription via credit or debit card. Monthly subscriptions automatically bill your chosen payment method each month. Annual subscriptions automatically bill you each year. AVA utilizes WooCommerce along with Stripe for payment processing providing the most secure transaction processing functions possible. WooCommerce is actively used by over 1.4 million websites and it is the single most installed ecommerce processing system utilized on the internet today!
What if I want to cancel my AVA subscription? Will I get a pro-rated refund of the subscription price if I paid in full? Can I cancel my monthly subscription any time with no obligation? AVA subscriptions are an annual contract and can only be cancelled at the annual renewal date. Having some agencies purchase an unlimited course option and then slam through dozens or hundreds of existing clients in just several months only to then cancel the subscription and demand the bulk of the purchase price be refunded is a substantial risk. Such action could negatively impact our licensing agreements and thus AVA contracts must be for a full year.
What insurance companies have approved the defensive driver course used by AVA? Defensive Driver Academy provides the course that AVA has licensed. In the State of Georgia, this course (developed by the National Driver Safety Institute – a 501(C)(3) non-profit) is accepted by basically every insurance company. The only company we are aware of that does not accept this course is Geico.
What if the insurance company (or companies) my agency primarily represents has not approved Defensive Driver Academy? The objective for the Defensive Driver Academy course (and AVA in partnership) is for the course to rapidly expand nationwide and to be approved by every insurance company that offers a defensive driver discount. The DDA course was designed to exceed all regulatory and insurance company requirements for a “6-hour Driver Improvement and Defensive Driver Education” course which is a standard all defensive driver courses are generally held too. In order to expedite this ongoing process, AVA maintains a comprehensive course approval package including detailed content summaries, state regulatory content requirement checklists and full supporting documentation. If you need a specific insurance company to approve the course before purchasing an AVA subscription, please contact us at – and we will work with you and the insurance company you need to approve the DDA course to get the course approved ASAP!
I have a small agency and I would like to share an AVA account with some other small agencies, can we share a subscription? No. The AVA subscribers agreement specifically notes that subscriptions are only for a single insurance agency office and that subscribers may not share their account credentials or subscribers home page for use by another agency. Doing so violates the subscribers agreement and will result in account termination.
I own a large agency with multiple locations. Can I share a single AVA subscription across all of my different locations? YES – but each AVA subscription is limited to a single state. If your agency has multiple locations within a single state they may all share a single AVA subscription account. If you have locations in anothe state, they will require a separate account. Each AVA subscription provides a course specific to a single state. The current Platinum package allows unlimited courses and anyone who signs up under the “Launch Offer” Platinum package can keep this capability as long as they maintain their AVA account. Once the Launch Offer has expired, the only AVA account that will allow a single AVA subscription to be effective for multiple locations will be the “Mega-Package” option at far higher costs.
I think the 5 agency value building videos that play during the defensive driver course are awesome! Can I use those videos in my other marketing as well? Currently, No. However we are working on an expanded optional service (at additional cost) that will provide not only the 5 agency value promo videos currently produced but a number of additional videos as well, all custom branded to your agency within the actual video such that they are perfect for you to use with any of your marketing efforts. Sign up for AVA now and when this additional service launches it will be available to you at reduced costs!
I love the AVA concept and can see the value but I am so busy there is no time to do all the AVA setup. Is there a way to get help with this? YES. But first, make sure you are not over estimating the time required to get your AVA home page ready to go. Getting basic content in place so that your AVA service is ready to promote does not take much time and you can always return to your AVA admin functions later to add additional content such as sidebars anytime you want. We do have plans to offer a “Done For You” account setup option. If you are interested in this, please email us at
Is there a way that we can have the AVA subscribers home page be hosted at our own registered URL and domain? By far easiest way to accomplish this is to register the URL you wish to have as your own website address and then forward that URL to your AVA Home Page address. If this will not accomplish your objective and you are interested in actually having a complete custom site built for your own domain that includes all of the AVA features and the Defensive Driver Course – please contact us at to discuss.
PLEASE: If you have any additional questions, suggestions or concerns relative to AVA please inquire directly by contacting us at —